Apr 19Liked by Ellen from Endwell

You know, Smoke on the Water is not one of my favourites. Obviously it's one of the first riffs I leaned on guitar. I think the best piece of music they ever made is Child in Time. I don't know anything about the band, so thanks for this piece, but I do love that song.

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Welcome, Jo. Agree, Child in Time is an amazing song. It's primal and goes straight to the gut. And you must have loved Ritchie's guitar solo.

Live version here for anyone who hasn't heard it -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OorZcOzNcgE

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With you on "Child in Time". Still one of my favorites from them.

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I was a big Purple fan, have all their vinyl from Mark I through IV, after which they went inactive for some eight years and I never really reconnected until very recently. I bought the first Rainbow album the day it was released. Still consider Blackmore the Ur-shredder, though of course there are dozens of guitarists today who play a lot faster. Purple are generally credited with Zeppelin and Sabbath as the original proto-metal bands, though it's amusing how tame they sound today compared with some of the hardcore metal bands. I saw them live three times, one of only three acts of whom I can say that (the others are Jeff Beck and Band-Maid.) Fun column, had me nodding my head.

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Yes, have to say I was surprised that Purple were considered metal instead of just hard rock. But they seem to have been remarkably influential on metal bands, so perhaps it's their godfather status? I have trouble seeing them as metal when, at least early on, they were just so much fun. How great to see them live three times!

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Omg, now I want to read your entire beginner's guide to heavy metal! Read half of the linked post and it's a treasure trove.

Good to learn that some metal musicians have a sense of humor and even self-parody. Not keen on the music, but the Nekrogoblicon video is great fun to watch.

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