If The First Edition had stayed a hard rock band, they might have just become one-hit wonders. Pivoting to country helped them last longer and allowed for Kenny to have his huge solo success in that field.

Newbury was enough a part of the outlaw movement for Waylon Jennings to name-check him in "Luchenback, Texas", with a reference to "Newbury's pain songs".

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I'm sure you're right. Being a rock and roll devotee, I just prefer that talent of that magnitude stay on my own team and not defect to another one. They kind of did well for themselves, I have to admit, but selfishly I loved what they did on this song.

Thanks for pointing out the name-check. Nice reference.

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4. Fabulous Baker Brothers

5. I went to a party where a guy had acid in a water pistol πŸ”« he was squirting little bursts randomly at people… truth is it didn’t end well! Not recommended, don’t try it a home.

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That is my favorite Jeff Bridges film too! Jeff, Beau, and Michelle all amazing, music setting, great story.

I was planning acid-filled squirt guns as a party favor. Dang. Now I'll have to think of something else.

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Thank you. I'm slightly more pluralistic in my taste- genre doesn't matter so long as the playing and/or singing is genuine and good.

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I have little country experience, so do feel free to offer the benefit of your knowledge and experience going forward. I'm always happy to learn more.

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Favorite Coen Brothers film for my husband: The Big Lebowski. (and it’s been a running theme in our relationship) To the point I framed a poster for him. It’s not mine though.

Mine was a more serious one (spoiler) called β€œA Serious Man” which coincidentally takes place in Minnesota and is a bit atypical for their fare - it is more autobiographical in nature as the setting mirrors the Coens own upbringing in a Jewish suburb in Minnesota. Culturally, I could connect with it in so many ways through stories from my childhood and my dad’s experiences. Also β€œFargo” both the film and the show! Though I know they aren’t really involved anymore in the show.

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I'm dying to know how Lebowski is a running theme, but I won't pry!

That's very interesting about "A Serious Man" resonating with you in terms of personal experience. I saw it quite a while ago and it did feel atypical, maybe because they're just so good at humor and hijinks and that had a different tone.

Fargo -- seems like a perfect movie. Blows me away every time I see it. TV show is great too.

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That's a fun song to highlight.

I like Willie Nelson's mellower version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f754xyJ63U

I don't know much about Mickey Newburry. A few months ago I found out about Gretchen Peters album of Newbury covers: https://gretchenpeters.com/music/the-night-you-wrote-that-song-the-songs-of-mickey-newbury/

Trying to google his songs to find out more information there wasn't much. But I was interested to hear her talk about why his music meant so much to here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N3fdQeeUHY

And her cover of "The Night That You Wrote That Song" floors me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Punabc8yEWk&list=PLkgT0FhWXwaHr1uBxMZLWMhSTV8EheYED

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Thanks for sharing those links. I like Willie's version too, he brings a whole different flavor, you can really hear what a great melody it is and how he gives the words a whole different spin. And Gretchen's version is haunting and beautiful and soulful, really love it.

What a great find Gretchen talking about Mickey's influence! And the album with covers of his songs. I plan to listen all the way through. I didn't know about her, and what a career and a voice.

You might be interested in Mickey singing his own version of "Just Dropped In" -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-UjTueNoLY

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I'm so glad you appreciated it. After I posted that I saw your reply to David Perlmutter where you said that you're more of a Rock person than country. But I'm glad that you gave it a listen and enjoyed the songs.

I think that clip of Gretchen Peters talking about Mickey is great. She says a lot in a fairly short time, and comes across as person rather than a performer -- and an interesting person.

I don't feel like I'm an expert on Gretchen Peters either, but I have a couple of her albums, and like them. As a bit of a spoiler I did select a Gretchen Peters song for the Tune Tag with Brad that will post on Tuesday; so tune in for that if you want.

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I'll look forward to that Tune Tag and hearing your tunes.

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Big L is definitely the fave Coen Bros movie in our house. And thanks for the New Edition chronicle. Love all these learning moments.

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Thanks, Thea!

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