"Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me."

And Mr. Hendrix still continues to put one on his admirers.

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You said it. No one like him.

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The Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois) mascot is officially the Wildcats, but the purple uniforms of team and marching band have become unofficially the "Purple Haze." And yes, the marching band does perform the Hendrix song at times. They do it well!

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That's great, didn't know that. The Purple Haze is such a cool name, whatever people want to think it means. I like the voodoo angle -- putting a spell on the other team so you can beat them.

Just googled it and looks like they also have an NU acapella group called the Purple Haze that tours nationally and internationally -- https://www.nupurplehaze.com/about

Love to see Jimi memorialized like this!

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